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Accreditation International

Ai Accreditation

What is Ai Accreditation?


​Accreditation International transcends national boundaries and assists in the development of nations’ educational systems.  Ai relies on a key group of education experts and accreditors―both national and international. These experts have not only facilitated the design of Ai but are also those who will lead the accreditation processes for schools.  Much of the work related to developing new accrediting associations in countries outside the USA will be done by the International Council for Education in cooperation with Accreditation International.

Ai is unique in the field of accreditation, as not only does Ai accredit in five fields of education – schools, career and technical, distance education, early childhood, and supplementary education, it also encourages and works “hands-on” in partnership with countries in the development of new accreditation organizations.  Ai has a cadre of experienced accreditation leaders and review team members from all over world, speaking dozens of different languages and representing various cultures.

  Benefits of Accreditation  








  List of Universities in Japan offering English program for Bachelor degree   



​The University of Tokyo  東京大学
Meiji University  明治大学
Hosei University  法政大学
Waseda University 早稲田大学
Rikkyo University  立教大学
Musashino University  武蔵野大学
Tokyo Christian University  東京基督大学

Yokohama National University  横浜国立大学
Meiji Gakuin University 明治学院大学

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