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Curriculum of Healing


Healing is essential for personal,  academic, and spiritual growth. We teach students meditation and prayer so students can experience peace, find calmness, and gain concentration. In Christ, they restore who they are, and through God's love, experience healing who can also revive others. They become the witnesses to become healers to Japan and the world.

Freedom in Education


 The most important thing for students is whether their teachers know their academic strengths and weaknesses. All students study in class that is tailored to each student so that they can have deep comprehension of each subject. ACA encourages students to express themselves. 

Discovering of Talent


Each class is tailored by a teacher to each student at his/her own level. A student can proceed the class with own pace and speed. Along with the core curriculum, advanced materials can be added to a subject that a student is good at and additional basic materials can be given to a subject that a student is poor at .

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